A Theology of Grace


I have a framed print of Rembrandt’s famous painting “Return of the Prodigal Son” hanging on the wall in my office. For me, it is a daily reminder of grace. Grace that is demonstrated. Grace that is extended. Grace that is received. Grace is so much more than God giving me what I don’t deserve. Grace reminds me of who I am and why I need Jesus and His grace each day. 

In our current culture which includes a “me-first” sense of entitlement we may be tempted by our title, position, authority or accomplishments to think of ourselves in grandiose ways. Grace gives us perspective. Grace reminds us of who we really are.  I have chosen the theme of “grace” for this new year because we need to understand, develop and practice a theology of grace in all that we do. 

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of GRACE and truth.” (John 1:14) ESV 

A theology of grace does not begin with its application to us.  Grace begins with God. It begins with a longing of the Father for a lost humanity. It begins with His initiative, the sending of His Son in anticipation of what He must do. This is not cheap and easy grace. It is a costly grace that paid a steep price and it was purchased amid shame, suffering, and death on a Roman cross. It was a price that was willingly paid. Only then could this same grace be extended to us. A theology of grace must begin with God, not us, because grace is His unmerited favor towards us, His fallen, broken and rebellious people. 

Grace defined begins with God. It is God the Heavenly Father who longingly and lovingly looks with anticipation for the return of His wayward sons and daughters. It is defined not by our good works or by religious observance that merits some type of spiritual reward.   Grace is correctly defined when we see that it begins with God, was paid for at the cross, and was freely extended because of the resurrection. 

In Scripture grace begins with God … for God so loved … (John 3:16), and ends with God, seen in the person of Jesus. “The GRACE of the Lord Jesus be with all.  Amen” (Revelation 22:21) ESV 

By Grace alone, 

Rev. Bill Allan
AGC President

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