We exist to glorify God by partnering together in obedience to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.
Matthew 22:37-40; 28:19-20
Our vision is to be a movement of healthy, reproducing churches.
This vision is carried out through our ENDs:
• Healthy Leaders & Churches
• Reproducing Churches
• Compassionate Churches
Our Values
1. Biblical Authority
We value the Bible as the authoritative Word of God and willingly submit to His will as expressed in faith, love, worship and obedience to Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 1:16-21, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, James 1:22, John 17:17
2. Intentional Reproduction
We value intentional and effective disciple-making that leads to a reproduction of healthy disciples, churches and congregations that understand, engage and influence our culture with a Christian worldview.
Matthew 4:19, Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Timothy 2:2, Ephesians 4:11-13
3. Strategic Partnerships
We value the interdependent relationship of AGC churches and recognize the uniqueness of each church. We encourage networking with other like-minded churches and agencies in cooperative ministry initiatives for the purpose of Kingdom building and cultural transformation.
Philippians 4:15-16, Acts 11:27-30, Acts 13:1-3, 1 Corinthians 16:1-4, 3 John 5-8
4. Leadership Development
We value working together with the local church in leadership development; identifying, developing, approving and releasing to ministry, new leaders and caring for both pastoral and lay leaders.
2 Timothy 2:2, Acts 16:1-4, 1 Timothy 1:3-4
Why These Four Values?
1. Biblical Authority
The Word of God is our final authority on faith and practice.
We are challenged to grow in biblical literacy, to hide God’s Word in our hearts.
We focus on the truth of the unchanging Word of God in the midst of ever changing and shifting cultural values.
2. Intentional Reproduction
Intentional disciple-making is at the core of reproductive ministry that focuses on reproducing disciples, disciple-makers, churches, and congregations.
Life-long discipleship is a process rather than a program.
We want to be intentional about multiplication, not just addition.
3. Strategic Partnerships
We intentionally work together with others of like faith for Kingdom building, rather than denominational advancement.
We strategically partner together to see both personal and cultural transformation through the Gospel.
4. Leadership Development
We want to see healthy leaders in all seasons of life and ministry.
We intentionally develop leaders to develop leaders.
Without healthy leaders you cannot have healthy churches, only healthy churches reproduce.
Life-long learning, AGC integration, and retention of leaders is our goal.