Fair Havens Community Church
Ministry Opportunity: Lead Pastor
Location: Beaverton, ON
Website: fairhavenscommunitychurch.ca
Employment Type: Full-time
Fair Havens Community Church is a Holy Spirit empowered congregation with a heart for missions and passion for the lost. We recognize that we need some refining in pouring out our love for God and love for the church. We have development areas that we want our next pastor to help us with. We need direction with the structures that help us to seek the lost, equip our workers and build up believers.
Our new pastor must:
Subscribe whole-heartedly to the Articles of Faith, Doctrines, mission, and policies of the Associated Gospel Churches, and achieve appropriate accreditation by the AGC. www.agcofcanada.com
Be comfortable and familiar with the Identification teachings found in Romans Chapters 5 - 8 and the Epistles of Paul. While he must be committed to preach and teach the entire Word of God, these truths have been adopted as the Spiritual Objective for FHCC and must be the foundation on which all Christian living is based. Also needs to be comfortable explaining the truths of Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord and Life and be able to communicate them through a balanced and dynamic preaching and teaching ministry.
Provide proactive leadership and leadership training with a strong emphasis on youth ministries. Our Spiritual Objective states that we aspire to “equip the Saints and let them loose in Jesus’ name.” Discipling and equipping needs to take place not only at Sunday morning services, but throughout the week also. Our vision is to be a church that grows and reproduces itself.
Provide pastoral care personally and through other trained caregivers. A Pastor who desires to meet with and encourage each congregant in their journey with Jesus Christ is essential.
About Fair Havens
We are a board-led church with the board seeking to do as God leads, to plan for and protect the congregation, all the while seeking to point people into a deeper relationship and experience of the Living Christ. The pastor is directly responsible to the elders and indirectly responsible to the congregation of the church. We are currently a congregation of around 60 people, with two paid positions: custodians and office administrator. The pastor is responsible for the leadership of support staff.
Currently we have many small group fellowships called Life Groups that meet on a regular basis for the purpose of Bible study, prayer, encouragement, fellowship, and member-care.
To Apply:
Please submit cover letter and resume to: searchteam@fairhavenscommunitychurch.ca
Interviews of respective candidates will begin as the Spirit directs.
Only potential candidates will be contacted.