Bridgewater Open Bible Church

Ministry Position:  Youth Pastor

Location: Bridgewater, Nova Scotia


Employment Type:  Full-time, Permanent

Reports To: Lead Pastor

Method of Appointment: Recommended by Elders, approved by a vote of membership


Bridgewater Open Bible Church (BOBC) is pursuing a man eager to serve in a gospel ministry with children, youth, and young adults.

BOBC is a growing church family that currently has a Sunday morning attendance of approximately 300-325, increasing by about 100 over the past 12 months. We are an English-speaking church in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia that prioritizes the ministry of the Word, and particularly, expository preaching. We are a church with a wide diversity of ages, denominational backgrounds, and stages of life. We are an elder-led, congregationally governed church within the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada.

Personal Qualifications

  • Demonstrates a vibrant and mature relationship with Jesus Christ and embodies the character and lifestyle consistent with Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Timothy 3:1-7, including a vibrant devotional life and a healthy family life.

  • Regards the Bible as God’s final authority in all aspects of Christian life, striving for wholehearted obedience to its teachings.

  • Demonstrates dedication to personal and spiritual disciplines.

  • Ongoing desire to develop spiritual gifts and professional skills to serve the church.

  • Exhibits a shepherd’s heart, demonstrating warmth, hospitality, humility, charitableness, and gentleness, mingled with boldness, a willingness to correct, and provide protection for the flock.

  • Fully aligns with the BOBC Statement of Faith and Members Covenant and is willing to minister within the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada (must go through their credentialing process).

  • Able to legally work in Canada

  • Obtain and provide a valid vulnerability sector check from the police

Education and Experience

  • Formal post-secondary education in Christian Ministry, Biblical Studies, or Theological Studies (preferred).

  • Experience teaching the Scriptures to all ages, but particularly children, youth, and young adults (preferred).

  • Experience in full or part-time pastoral role, internship, or lay-leadership considered an asset.

  • Experience recruiting, training, communicating with, fostering teamwork and leading volunteers considered an asset.  

Primary Responsibilities - Overview

1. Youth Ministries

  • Give direction, oversight, and assistance to the lay leaders of:

    • Sunday Morning Children’s Ministry (ages 3-grade 5)
      -Would include helping with the scheduling and teaching monthly (or as needed)

o   AWANA Ministry (Ages 3-grade 6
-Would include attending weekly and assisting the Awana Director

  • Provide leadership and hands-on ministry to:

o   OneEighty Youth (Grade 7-12)
- Would include providing weekly leadership to the team including attending 180, leading activities and being the main teaching leader with the teens.
- Would include one on one interaction with teens (as time permits and is appropriate) on a weekly basis
- Would include leading monthly leadership meetings to discuss youth ministry and plan and pray together.

o   Young Adults Ministry (ages 18-29)
- Would include helping to plan and run monthly young adult meetings.

  • Equip parents/guardians for their role as the main source of discipleship in their home
    - This can be done via email/social media or by spending time connecting with families from the church.

 2. Other Pastoral Duties and Responsibilities

  • Serve as an elder

  • Preaching: approximately 4-6 x’s/year

  • ·Teaching: weekly at One Eighty Youth, monthly (or more if necessary) in Sunday Morning Kid’s Ministries, occasionally at AWANA

  • Identity, recruit, equip, and shepherd potential teachers and leaders

  • Pastoral visitation and shepherding care of church members, primarily to children, youth, young adults, and their families.


To apply, please email the following to:
Pastor Jeff Woodcock at
or mail to:
Bridgewater Open Bible Church
c/o Pastor Jeff Woodcock
310 Jubilee Rd.
Bridgewater, N.S. B4V 2A8

  • Cover letter detailing how you meet the personal qualifications and skills that suit you to fulfill the role of youth pastor

  • Resume including education, work, and ministry experience

  • A Statement of Faith, describing your personal faith journey and doctrinal beliefs

  • Links to or recordings of 2-3 recent sermons or teachings

  • Three references (please provide email and phone number for each):

1.  Pastoral reference (pastor of current church, or a current elder if no pastor or you are the only pastor)

2.  Professional reference (professor, manager or supervisor)

3.   Peer reference (friend who knows you well)