Associated Gospel Churches

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POINTING THEM TO JESUS: What Are We Still Lacking?

In His encounter with a young, affluent, well-connected young man, searching for spiritual answers, Jesus gave a somewhat puzzling response. The young man had stated that he had been faithful in obeying all the Jewish religious laws. Jesus responded, One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me” (Luke 18:22).

It was a puzzling response from a human perspective because this young man did not lack anything. When it came to possessions, family pedigree, position, and rank in society, he had it all. However, often it is our very abundance that reveals our true lack. It was his abundance that was keeping this young man from the Kingdom, not his lack. So why did Jesus focus his response on what he was lacking?

If we seek to live our lives in a way that points others to Jesus, and if we are honest with ourselves, it may very well be our abundance that keeps them from hearing the good news of the Gospel. Think about it for a moment. There are so many good churches in my town, city, and neighbourhood, someone will reach them. There is an abundance of good podcasts, YouTube channels, and other social media platforms that preach the Gospel, someone will reach them. There are many campus ministries and community youth ministries, somehow the message will get through and someone will reach them. Besides, I’m busy, with my work, my studies, my family, even my ministry, they all demand a lot of my time. There is just not enough time. Someone will reach them with the message of Salvation.

The response from Jesus didn’t focus on any material “lacking”. It was a heart attitude that was lacking. Often our “abundance” reveals the same lack in each of us today. If we allow ourselves to get so caught up in the pursuit of life, however that plays out, or in the accumulation of possessions and even good works and religious devotion, we become blind, lacking in understanding or the privilege and responsibility each of us has as image bearers to a lost world. We are sent into the world with a great commission and a great commandment. We need to see beyond the values and pursuits of this life and rediscover our true calling. We need to see, understand, and respond to what is lacking in our own hearts.

It may begin with a necessary purge of that which has so captured our attention, energy, and focus, that which clouds our vision to our true calling - our abundance. Not an easy thing to do in our world today of plenty, self-glorification, and entitlement! It will be different for each of us. It will be a releasing of our abundance so that our lacking diminishes and our effectiveness increases.

Sadly, the young man in Luke 18 didn’t see it that way. The response from Jesus only revealed his true lack. Matthew’s account of this encounter says, When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions” (Matthew 19:22).  -  What will our response be?

Praying for wisdom to live out the Great Commission and the Great Commandment!

Rev. Bill Allan
AGC President