Associated Gospel Churches

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Above the Noise: Shutting out the Competition

We live in a world of noise. From the never-ending social media streams to online influencers, podcasts, and experts telling us how to live, what to eat, and why we deserve the latest and greatest new and improved anything. News media no longer "reports" the news. Instead, as one recent media outlet commercial stated, they "interpret" the news for us to help us make sense of the world.

As part of my father-of-the-bride speech at my second daughter’s wedding, I gave my new son-in-law a pair of construction yard headphones. I told him that he would hear many competing voices in marriage. The voices of culture and selfishness would tell him that marriage was too difficult and that he should run to something or someone better when things got tough. Selfish voices would tell him he was number one and to live for himself. The voice he needed to hear, above all, was that of his new bride. He needed to cancel out the competing voices.

February is about the time that most New Year's resolutions have faded. Other voices grow loud, and the healthy diet and exercise plan has given way to past habits. The day's urgency has replaced promises of better health and lofty goals. An excess of voices and noisy chatter draws our attention to other things.

Other voices create a noisy environment, making it difficult to hear the one voice we all need to hear above all else. Scripture speaks much about hearing the voice of God. The prophet Isaiah gives us this promise; “And your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, this is the way, walk in it” (Isa. 30:21). In the New Testament, the writer to the Hebrews gives us a warning, “Therefore we must pay closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it” (Heb. 2:1). And Jesus says, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” (Luke 11:28). In our noisy world of competing and contradictory voices, we need to hear the voice of Jesus above all.

So how do we hear the voice of God above the noise? We begin by first shutting out the competition. We then train ourselves to hear His voice.  Finally, we learn to distinguish His voice amid the competing voices for our attention, time, and energy.

The anxiousness of this life often robs our joy and leaves us fearful and despondent. When we hear His voice above all, it allows us to focus on Him and see beyond the trials and difficulties.  Immersing ourselves in God's Word, prayer, and worship as a rhythm of daily life allows us, like construction yard headphones, to cancel out the unwanted voices so that we clearly hear the voice of God.

Listening for His voice.

Rev. Bill Allan
AGC President