Associated Gospel Churches

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2022: Stay the Course! - A Summer Proverb: Don’t do today what you can put off until the end of August!

Different people have different thoughts when the month of August rolls in. For school children, it sadly means that summer vacation is half over! For busy parents trying to constantly entertain children, it happily means that summer vacation is half over! It’s a matter of perspective. For still others, the lazy days of summer are just that, carefree and relaxing, putting off until tomorrow the to-do lists. But August signals a change. Yes, it is still summer with hot, hazy days, but a change is coming. Busy parents can see the new school year approaching. Dads see the fix-up jobs around the house that need to get done before the weather changes. But it is still summer! So, let's not get into Fall too soon! I once heard a summer proverb – Don't do today what you can put off until the end of August!

During these breezy hot summer days, we may tend to think that summer will never end and “I'll do it tomorrow.” Remember, don’t do today what you can put off until the end of August! It’s easy to think that fall and winter are a long way off, that we’ve got time.

In the spiritual sense, the doctrine of imminency, the imminent return of the Lord, is not often discussed. We may read the latest prophecy book or try to line up current news events with biblical prophecy. But does it impact the way we live each day? Does it change how we see the urgency of others in need of Jesus? Is there an urgency in sharing the Gospel with them?

Even in the times of the New Testament, people began to lose sight of the truth of the Lord's return. Peter wrote; “The Lord is not slow to fulfil his promise (to return) as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance” (1 Pet. 3:9). Peter highlighted the love and mercy of God in not returning yet so that many would have the opportunity to repent and be saved.

Jesus often spoke in parables and helped people understand deeper spiritual truths wrapped in everyday cultural examples that they understood. Several parables make a comparison, the kingdom of heaven is like, followed by a spiritual truth relating to His return, the work we are to do, and the hope we are to have in Him. Several parables like the ten virgins and the talents (Matthew 25) speak to the need to be prepared – Jesus is coming back! As believers, we are encouraged to look for His return. Titus 2:13 says, “waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.”

The other day, I was in my garage and looked at the winter tires piled up, safely wrapped in plastic bags. I knocked over the bucket that held the snow brushes I usually carry in the car during winter. I smirked as I thought, I won't need you guys for a long time! Then I thought, it's the end of July, it will be August in a few days - winter is coming!

Yes, I know, it's still summer after all! We still have some hot, humid days and hopefully a late summer push into fall, but winter is coming.

In our busy lives, we often get preoccupied with everything that demands our time and resources: kids, family, church, and jobs, all clamouring for our time and energy. Balance is needed. But something more is needed. Let's not let the idleness of warm breezy days, or the busyness of life cause us to lose focus on the hope we have - Jesus is coming back! For the believer, this life is just a rehearsal for eternity. So, let's focus on Jesus and be about His business sharing the Gospel at every opportunity with everyone, so that none may perish, even on hot breezy summer days!

Until all have heard!

Rev. Bill Allan
AGC President