Associated Gospel Churches

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Milliken Gospel Church

Location: Markham, ON

Looking for:  Senior Pastor

Employment Type: 

Milliken Gospel Church (MGC) ( celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. MGC is situated in the Milliken neighbourhood of Markham, Ontario. We have four congregations: Cantonese, Mandarin, English and Children. Our average attendance in our Sunday morning worship services is about 370 people. We are affiliated with the Associated Gospel Churches.

We believe God desires MGC to be a healthy church with mature and committed disciples of Christ; for the work of the Gospel; reproducing mature and committed disciples of Christ; from MGC to the ends of the earth.

MGC's specific focus of onward development is to put resources to build up our teens and youths. Our current Senior Pastor will retire on May 31, 2019. We are ready and expectantly waiting for the Lord to send His faithful servant to lead this family of God.

Leadership Profile

The Senior Pastor will:

  • Have a personal commitment to Jesus Christ which he clearly articulates, submitting to Holy Scripture as his authority for faith and life,

  • Have ministry experience which clearly evidences the blessing of the Holy Spirit,

  • Subscribe whole-heartedly to the Articles of Faith and Doctrine, mission and policies of the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada and have achieved appropriate Doctrine & Credentials approval,

  • Be able to communicate the vision of the church, work well with his fellow church leaders and apply the Word of God to all areas of life and the church’s ministry,

  • Be capable to develop the church to;

            -          Seek the lost;
            -          Build believers especially the next generation;
            -          Equip workers.

  • Be effective in cross-Cultural communication,

  • Guide the existing team(s),

  • Be able to communicate in Chinese as an asset

Areas of Responsibilities

  • Have a balanced dynamic preaching/teaching ministry amongst all congregations and people groups (including youths and children).

  • Provide proactive leadership and leadership training to:

           -          Pastoral Staff
           -          Council Members
           -          Deacons

  • Provide pastoral care personally and through other trained care-givers.

  • Disciple and equip co-workers -- provide guidance to each congregational pastoral staff, children and youth staff to develop strategy to disciple and equip their respective congregation or people group; reproducing mature and committed disciples of Christ.

  • Provide administrative management in operations.

  • Continue in their self-development to remain current/effective in ministry.

  • Conferences; and commitments outside of MGC

Posting will remain open until suitable candidate is found. Potential candidates please submit cover letter, resume, and references (personal and work related) to:

Note: Candidate must meet the requirement of Associated Gospel Churches compatibility.