Associated Gospel Churches

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Above the Noise: That Wonderful Time of the Year

Several years ago, a TV commercial aired that portrayed happy parents, dancing along joyfully pushing a shopping cart in a department store, purchasing school supplies while sullen-looking children followed slowly behind. The music in the background declared, "It's the most wonderful time of the year!" The imagery was obvious: it was back-to-school season, and summer vacation was over. Busy parents could now kick back and relax after enduring a summer of constantly hearing, "We're bored, there’s nothing to do, it’s too hot, we want to go swimming," and endless requests for treats, snacks, play time and undivided attention! All this will be replaced with a new schedule, school, homework, and being out of the house all day.

I loved that commercial even though all my kids were out of the house, and there were no more seemingly endless trips to Walmart or Staples trying to find the right calculator, supplies, and binders. The end of August and the beginning of September marks a change. Summer is ending; fall will soon be here. Summer vacation time is over; a new school year is starting. I've even noticed some trees beginning to change colour and think, “no, I'm not ready for a change!” However, each change in our lives brings new opportunities and challenges as we reorient our focus.

I do think this is the most wonderful time of the year. Here are three reasons why. First, as many churches kick off the fall ministry year, it is a time for new opportunities to connect with people inside and outside the church. It is a time to re-focus on preaching the Gospel and helping others know Christ and grow in Him. It is a time to get involved, discover our spiritual gifts, and use them by serving others in local church ministry.

Second, as summer gives way to fall, the change of seasons reminds us that we too are changing, growing, and maturing. It is time to evaluate our spiritual growth and set some spiritual goals for this new season. We look at what God will allow us to be a part of in this new season as we grow intentionally in our faith.

Finally, as with the change of seasons that focus us on what is to come, we as believers see the signs that Jesus is coming quickly, and we cry out; “Come Lord Jesus!” The imminent return of Christ is our hope for the most wonderful time yet! The apostle Paul wrote, “Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed” (1 Cor. 15:51-52).

 It is the most wonderful time of the year!

Rev. Bill Allan
AGC President