Associated Gospel Churches

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2022: Stay the Course! - Getting Back to Normal

The recent Russian attack in Ukraine reminds us again of the fragility of the world in which we live. As COVID wanes, world peace is now at stake, and human suffering increases. We certainly need to pray for the Ukrainian people and world leaders as they attempt to deescalate the situation.

In the frustration of COVID and the fear of further military escalation, many say we just need to get back to normal. But what is normal? A denominational leader friend recently commented that pre-COVID, 75% of Canadian churches were either in decline or had plateaued. Is that the normal we want to get back to?  Do we want to return to a focus on the status quo where we continue to inwardly focus on our programs, our social media threads, and our comfort? Let me suggest a different "normal."

The writer of the book of Hebrews wrote; Therefore, since we are surrounded  by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”                    (Hebrews 12:1-2).

These verses give us a different view of "normal."

  • As believers, we see the "great cloud of witnesses" that have gone before us. We have an example from past generations' faith, many of whom suffered and endured for the faith.

  • We see a command to lay aside every weight and sin that holds us back, to “untangle” ourselves from that which so easily distracts and divides us and shifts our focus and energies.

  • We have a commission and a condition – run the race set before you with endurance. We can’t run the race if we never enter the race, and we can’t run with endurance if we are not conditioned and prepared.

  • We focus on the Lord Jesus, our example in hope, faith, and ministry wherever He calls us.

Normal then becomes a life striving to become more like Jesus in all we do. It is running our race with endurance so that we finish the race. Normal is enduring the ups and downs and the uncertainties of life without becoming entangled in other things or going off course.

So yes, let's get back to normal. Let us not lose or forget the lessons from COVID, how we so easily became distracted and divided. Let us not forget or ignore the suffering and injustices of our world. Instead, let us engage suffering with a message of hope in Jesus in a tangible way. Let us proclaim the Gospel and run the race in a way that we grow in our Christlikeness and our unity that results in others coming to Jesus.

It is easy to say, “let's get back to normal” without really understanding what normal is. Often, we are tempted to return to a time of comfort, ease, where difficulty or crisis is absent. But that is not "normal". That is pining away for something that never really existed in the first place. Normal will look radically different in our world today. However, Jesus still calls us to be His witnesses to a lost and dying world by focusing on Him and reflecting that love to others. That’s the normal for which we should strive!

Longing for normal!

Rev. Bill Allan
AGC President