Associated Gospel Churches

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Cornerstone Gospel Church

Location: Mossbank, SK

Looking for:  Pastor

Employment Type:  Full-time

Cornerstone Gospel Church is an evangelical church committed to reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the spread of the Word of God. We are a member of the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada, (AGC) whose bylaws we adhere to. In the AGC, each church is locally autonomous. This means the responsibility of operating our church remains with its' local membership. We are therefore responsible for its growth and commitment to our local congregation and community.

Our Philosophy of Ministry

 We believe that the main purpose of Cornerstone Gospel Church is to spread the gospel of "Salvation through Jesus Christ." Each believer should have an active part in spreading the gospel, both by testimony and example. The Church is a place for believers to fellowship together, develop spiritually, give, and receive encouragement so they are capable of discipling others. Our Constitution states:

 The purpose of this church shall be the assembling of ourselves and others together for the public worship of God the Father, to the praise of Jesus Christ, His Son and our Saviour, the building of believers, and the spreading throughout the world, of the Gospel, (the salvation of the lost through Christ), as set forth in God's Word, the Holy Bible.

Our Community

 Mossbank is situated along No. 2 highway, 70 km south‑west of Moose Jaw, Sask. This is a farming community consisting mainly of grain farms, some mixed farms, and a few ranches. The town has an excellent school for Kindergarten through Grade 12, recreation facilities and one other church. Like so many rural communities our social life during the winter seems to revolve around the local rink! Mossbank has a grocery store, a Cooperative, a restaurant and several other businesses. The population of Mossbank is about 368 people. Our church has about an even number of town and rural attendees.

 Our Building

 The building is slightly over 9100 square feet in area, and consists of a sanctuary, activity area, kitchen, conference room, washrooms, nursery, boiler room, seven classrooms, foyer, library, storage room, and the Pastor's office.

The sanctuary is designed to accommodate approximately 160 people. It is separated from the activity area by a movable wall, which will allow for larger special services such as conferences, weddings, or funerals.

Pastor Profile

 A pastor, according to I Cor. 1:17 and I Peter 5:2, 3 shall preach the gospel, administer the ordinances, tend the flock and give himself to prayer and ministry of the Word. He should be a man sure of his call to ministry, with full support of his wife, if married.

  • He will have a personal commitment to Jesus Christ, submitting to Holy Scripture as his authority for faith and life.

  • He is self-motivated, with a focus on heartfelt personal relationships within the church family.

  • He has the desire to disciple people, motivate them to grow in their faith and assist them to find their individual calling and purpose.

  • He will subscribe to the Articles of Faith and Doctrine, mission, and policies of the Associated Gospel Churches.

  •   He will be able to communicate his God given vision, work well with his fellow church leaders and apply the Word of God to all areas of life and the church’s ministry.

 Primary Purpose

  • Responsible under God to exercise spiritual leadership (1 Timothy 3:1‑7).

  • Leads the flock, not as lord over God's heritage but as an example and under shepherd (1 Peter 5:3).

  • Acts as the person who equips the believers for roles of ministry both within and outside the local church (Ephesians) 4:12).

  • Oversees the total plan and vision of the ministry of Cornerstone Gospel Church.

 We see our pastor fulfilling this mandate by:

1.       Maintaining a high priority with his own family. (Lead by example.)

2.       Give Pastoral Care to our congregation by:

  • Preaching from the whole of God’s word, the Bible.

  • Visiting attendees, to get to know them and help meet their spiritual needs.

  • Counseling, individual and group instruction.

  • Spend time within the community of Mossbank, and those outside of Christ.

  • General office administration.

Our pastor is called to ministry at Cornerstone Gospel Church upon being approved by the Doctrine and Credential committee of the AGC and the Membership of our church.

Questions can be directed to Dale Guthormsen; email:

Please send your resume to:

Cornerstone Gospel Church Inc.
Attn: Dale Guthormsen, PO Box 235
Mossbank, SK S0H EG0

Or by email to  

Subject: “Cornerstone Gospel Church Pastoral Search”